Secret Society?

are slaves

Treat a Freemason like a slave and you wont have any more problems. If you don't treat them like a slave, they will hand you to the Necrons.

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Scotish Right?

Your Rights
are Revoked

Saiyans did not spread Brotherly Love so Scotish Right Free Masons could eat biscuits filled with human meat and honey.

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Death of Freemasonry

Has Been

On January 3rd, 2022 planet Cerule was destroyed, along with 46 other Necron planets to save our species.

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The time when Necron invaded Cerule

Necron invaded Cerule when Cerule was a farming class planet with little or no technological resources. The military capitol of Cerule at Mason was invaded and the underground emergency cave systems and mines were used to enslave "Free Masons" who had used the systems as a typical wartime shelter. When the caves were found full of people with no exit, the Necrons had a slave population, in a cave, with no options, and no rights.

The time that Necron invaded Saiya

The time Necron invaded Scot

The time Necrons invaded Cripton

Necron and soldiers and Pleiadean warships can not survive the pressure or gravity on Cripton. Cerulean Free Masons were used as slaves to attack Cripton caused building fires and bombings for thirteen years which started three years after the invasion of Cerule. The story of Cripton's efforts to save Curule are found in the book of Habakkuk.

The Free Rights of Criptonians have never been taken. Every Cription has a right. Every Criptionian is born free with a right. No weapons formed against a Criptonian by a Necron have ever prospered. The right of a criptonian has never been taken. Criptonians have killed Necrons since Plieadians were used as long range target practice for our weapons. We have never been stopped in being glorious. We have never been forced to eat our own to survive.

Why are Freemasons here on Earth?

Why has all of this been a secret for so long?

Necrons and Pleiadian invaders come from very low density, light weight planets. With a weak and fragile physical biology, their only successful invasion strategy is a passive aggressive approach. No legion formed with Necron interests will ever involve a direct aggressive approach from jump. Freemasons like all other Necron counterparts with disguise any hostile action as a friendly gesture, and accident, or something that never happened at all. Once a Necron Coup D' Etat has succeeded, Necrons lack hesitation in using extreme torture and grotesque acts of violence to compensate for their physical weakness. Those who are unknowing of their genetic weakness may fall in fear of their invaders without putting up any physical fight.

Freemasons from Scot and Cerule are physically stronger than Necrons but were conditioned into slavery as a farmers. They are not breed to be highly intelligent or brave, but instead to follow directions which they are given. Freemasons use the same Coup D' Etat strategy which follow clandestine principles to assasinate and replace community leaders.

What do Freemasons do at their meetings?

At Freemason meetings all around the universe, Freemasons are doing what they did in dark underground caves as prisoners hundreds of years ago. At Freemason meetings, members take part in ritual cannibalism, rape, pedophilia, and murder.

Freemasons indulge on cake and discuss new ways to build trust in their community. Building trust might involve donating to the Hospital they use to carry out organ trafficking operations and kidnap females who overdose and end up at the ER. Building trust may involve donating to the orphanage that the Freemasons use to adopt their girlfriends. Any charitable donation provided by Freemasons is a blood money payoff with no respect to the community.

Whats with all the Symbols?

Masons lost their reading ability over 79 years in deep, dark, underground caves. Curulean children born in captivity only knew symbols which they could see from cracks and openings in cave walls. As Mason was the first major stone empire built on Cerule, the symbols of the Square and Compass were among the symbols which became important to prisoners born into capivity.

What do Freemasons Eat?

Freemasons bake human fluids and flesh into cakes or biscuits. These baked cannibal cakes go by many names:

Freemasons cook flesh into soup which can be called any number of codenames:

  • Hot Soup
  • Live Biscuit
  • Honey Grains

Whats up with underground tunnels, caves, and cities?

Freemasons are especially good at surviving underground undetected. Freemasons invade and take over any abandoned underground structure available to them. Control of cold War missile silos, tunnels, bunkers, and other underground facilities is a top priority for Freemasons. Freemasons do have access to advanced technology provided to them by Necron leadership and do have access to underground transportation systems and international municipal systems.

Freemasons use these resources for human trafficking to kidnap and detain hostages. These underground facilities are used to raise generations of children who are breed with the same doctrine used on Cerulean prisoners. Selective conditional release into slavery of those willing to serve Freemasonry is the only condition in which a human born underground will ever live on Earth with a population who will never know where he or she really came from.

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