Fancy Chisss Fancy Chisss are everyday Chisss who live on Chisss colonies and will never come in contact with any other lifeform except for use as food. Human meat is delivered to Chisss by the pound at Farmer's market style outlets. Fancy Chisss maintain a very clean and very shiney appearance. Necron - Armored and Hungry Warrior Chisss Garbage Chisss Chisss evolved as a slave species of the Nemekians. The Nemekians would throw Chisss in the trash as an ultimate form of punishment. In Chisss society, any individual who is thrown into a trash can is stripped of all estate, finances, obligations, family, and becomes a dead person on socierty record. The individual becomes an illegal alien with no healthcare, home, or opportunity. These Trash Chisss are fed garbage and forced into the front lines of all military campaigns. Lensors - Bright Strike Helmet Wearing Garbage Chisss Necron use bright strike cannons on humans, like humans stun caddle before slaughter. Garbage Chisss soldiers called Lensors wear headgear with bright strike lamps and stun prey just by looking in it's direction. Controlling Society With Bright Strike Devices Learn More Sunglasses Help You Remember Monsters You See Read More Gunnar Optiks Sunglasses Reflect Bright Strike Attacks Protect Yourself! Invading Necron will Bright Strike You, Ensalve You, Kill You, and Eat You. They Live (1988) - Reality Based Fiction Movie of a Necron Coup D' Etat on Earth The Chronicles of Riddick - Reality Based Fiction Movie Reenactment of the Invasion of Cerule